This early Summer, Real Estate Wealth Institute (REWI) has expanded around the USA, in early June REWI Launched the REWI BUILDS!- Baltimore Phase 2 with a real estate property tour including a focus on the upcoming Baltimore Fixed Price Program homes which start at $1 for residents and $3000 for investors. Some REWI investors where able to acquire some property. REWI has expanded the Network & Chill Event in Raleigh, NC at the upscale Level7 Rooftop and added Pittsburgh, PA Network Chill Events to the calender with a June 19th event at the Blue Sky Kitchen & Bar, which brought out a lot of locals.
And on June 20th continued to expansion in Cleveland with a Network & Chill Event in Cleveland at the Punch Bowl Social in downtown Cleveland and a Real Estate Property tour focusing on Brooklyn Centre neighborhood, Tremont and East Cleveland. REWI also had Network & Chill Events in Jacksonville, FL and Philadelphia.
In July continues with Live Events, in Los Angeles, CA on July 20th; Reston, VA on July 27th ;New York City, NY on July 30th; Philadelphia, PA on July 13th; Raleigh, NC on July 12th; Pittsburgh, PA on July 13th and the long awaited first event in the Bay Area, CA
All events are designed around Community building to help REWI Investors build relationship, support and resources to further their investment journey.
If you want REWI to have live events in your city please reach out to