REWI Deal of the Month in Virginia, REWI Investors & Funding Clinic Member acquires a Duplex Property for $23,000, using REWI Funds For Full Rehab Construction Loan of $100,000. Based on ARV appraisal REWI Investor is in position for a 81% Back of the Envelope Return and a 400% + cash on cash return.
REWI FUNDS! provides Direct Funding loans from $50,000 up to $10mm for Real Estate Investment transaction. REWI FUNDS! Finances Fix & Flips, Real Estate Development, Buy & Hold, Refinances, Multi Family and More. REWI FUNDS! helps New, Budding & Seasoned investors: Start... Grow... Scale! REWI FUNDS! Additionally REWI Now offered unsecured Loans & Line of Credit for Business and Residential purpose from $10,000 to up to $4.0mm.